Friday 23 July 2010

Can't believe I haven't run today...

So what happens when you don't feel like running? I've only run once this week. I'm beginning to feel the guilt, the fear that it will thoroughly set me back. The pressure. So why doesn't all this make me go out and run? Mmmmm....mind over matter. I think it might be that after all these years I realise that women perhaps can only think of one thing at once. Oh, hear me out on this....we can juggle a conversation with a toddler, with a chat about Twighlight with our mate while cooking a curry and making a shopping list. That's a synch. But juggling big that's a bit different. I found it really tough to run when I was grieving over my mate Helen's death. I've found it sooo hard to run this week while I've been trying to fit 40 hours work into 20 hours available. I remember this affliction coming on when I was at Uni - y'know how it can diet for a week, lose loads of weight and be really chuffed but as soon as I had to start really working on my dissertation I found that my efforts to write as many words as possible about The Colour Purple seemed to overshadow any efforts to cut back on biscuits....
Or maybe we are just too hard on ourselves. Work, packing and a couple of crisis management jobs have just packed out my head this week.

I'll go and have a pre-holiday glass of wine and give it some thought...

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